Tennis Elbow Treatment Brisbane, Knead Myotherapy provide a rapid resolution of stubborn elbow pain with our expert tennis elbow treatment..
- Our experienced Myotherapists won’t just treat your symptoms – they’ll show you how to quickly overcome the causes of tennis elbow.
- Don’t waste money on ineffective treatments – hit the book now button to rapidly resolve your tennis elbow.
Tennis Elbow Treatment Brisbane – what NOT to do?
- DON’T IGNORE IT! Without treatment your tennis elbow pain will typically hang around between 18 and 24 months. That means a year and a half to two years of PAIN, discomfort and limitation.
- DON’T waste money masking symptoms with cortisone. Whilst it may provide some short term relief it will in fact make your tennis elbow pain last longer.
- DON’T get the wrong treatment Just getting regular massage will provide short term relief, but without the skills and techniques of expert clinicians your symptoms will not resolve.
- Results matter – book your EXPERT Myotherapy consultation now.
What’s Tennis Elbow?
- Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylalgia) and it’s counterpart Golfer’s elbow are common RSI’s of the muscles that lift the wrist and fingers called tendinopathy (an irritation to the part of the muscle that connects it to the bone).
- Research has shown that tendinopathies stop hurting quickly with specific exercises and low level laser.
- The injury and pain occurs on the bony prominence (Lateral Epicondyle) on the outside of the elbow where the forearm muscles attach.
- Statistically tennis elbow occurs most in people aged 40-50. However tennis elbow can occur at any age.
- It is estimated that 3 in 100 people experience tennis elbow annually.
What’s tennis elbow caused by?
Performing repetitive tasks can cause arm pain such as
- typing – can trigger forearm pain because the fingers are lifting of the keyboard repetitively (Mouse arm syndrome).
- chopping
- painting
- tool use
- racquet sports
- knitting
People most likely to experience Tennis elbow and forearm pain:
- chefs
- mechanics
- carpenters
- painters
- athletes
- professional drivers
- retail assistants
- computer users
- console gamers
- bricklayers
Serve up relief from tennis elbow pain today!
Tennis elbow can also happen after performing a prolonged unfamiliar task which causes irritation in the tendon. Examples include:
- Returning to rock climbing or tennis after a long time off
- Painting your house
- A weekend of gardening
- Prolonged use of power tools
What tennis elbow feels like:
- Pain may be gradual or occur after a single unfamiliar physical activity.
- Pain is usually experienced near the bony prominence of the elbow (the lateral epicondyle). Some people describe this as forearm pain.
- Weakness and pain with grip related tasks as squeezing the hand into a fist puts the injured tendons into stretch causing pain.
- Nerve pain may occur (shooting pain) in instances of tennis elbow with neck involvement

What should you do about tennis elbow?
- The best method for desensitizing and re-strengthening the sensitive elbow tendon is with specific tennis elbow exercises. Your Myotherapist will show you how to perform these elbow exercises, while also providing videos of the exercises and written instructions with diagrams.
- Ergonomics adjustments (especially if computer use is a factor)
- Reduce the causative activity until the exercises have reduced the tendon irritation.
- Studies have shown a marked increase in pain free grip strength tasks in individuals individuals with tennis elbow receiving low and high powered laser treatments.
- Studies have shown that manual therapy and exercise combined with dry needling has improved outcomes for individuals with tennis elbow.
Who can help with tennis elbow?
Tennis Elbow Assessment by a qualified Myotherapist is simple and pain free.
At Knead Myotherapy we will ascertain the source of your pain and use tests to rule out other problems. For pain relief we will use:
- Deep tissue massage
- Cold laser therapy
- Dry Needling
- Corrective exercises
- Ergonomics advice
- Kinesio tape
- Joint mobilisations
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What's tennis elbow?
Tennis Elbow is an overuse injury of the muscles that lift the wrist and fingers. The pain occurs on the bony prominence (Lateral Epicondyle) on the outside of the elbow where the forearm muscles attach. Tennis Elbow is a type of RSI known as a tendinopathy – an irritation to the part of the muscle that anchors it to the bone.
Is tennis elbow permanent?
90% of tennis elbow will resolve within 2 years if left alone. Getting treatment from a Myotherapist will bring the average recovery time down to between 3 -12 weeks. Exercises should be performed for at least 8 weeks – even if symptoms have disappeared.
Is tennis elbow painful?
Tennis elbow can be very painful particularly if you don’t know which exercises to perform to improve function and strengthen the irritable tissue.
What does tennis elbow feel like?
Tennis elbow is often described as a burning pain around the elbow and forearm.
Can tennis elbow heal on its own?
Tennis elbow is a tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is usually a self limiting condition (aprox 90%) – but if you are compressing the tendon into the bone through some activity you are doing – it will become chronic. In the elderly tendinopathy can become degenerative if left untreated.
What helps tennis elbow?
The fastest way to resolve your Tennis elbow pain is to learn which exercises take away pain and improve the resilience of the tissue.
Myotherapy and Remedial Massage techniques to the triceps muscle may provide some pain reduction as will joint mobilisations and kinesio tape. Cold Laser can reduce pain and rapidly improve pain also.
How long tennis elbow last?
Tennis Elbow left to itself may be painful for up to 2 years. Tendon irritation such as Tennis Elbow is variable. The longer the pain has been present – the longer the time till a pain free state. If symptoms have only been obvious for 4-6 weeks a relatively rapid recovery is possible – usually between 6-12 weeks. Performing the correct exercises for your pain is the biggest factor in rapid resolution of symptoms.
Is tennis elbow chronic?
Any pain that you have had for 12 weeks or longer is considered chronic. Approximately 11% of individuals with tennis elbow have severe enough symptoms that do not resolve within 2 years that they undergo surgery. If you book in for treatment with a Myotherapist – you should see an immediate improvement in your Tennis Elbow pain.
Can tennis elbow return after surgery?
The likelihood of Tennis Elbow symptoms returning after surgery is less than 10%.
What are tennis elbow symptoms?
Tennis Elbow pain is usually near the bony prominence of the elbow (the lateral epicondyle). Some people describe this as forearm pain. Squeezing the hand into fist puts the forearm extensors onto stretch which will also irritate the tendon.
Can tennis elbow cause neck pain?
Joint dysfunction and nerve compression in the neck can cause elbow pain. It is unlikely that elbow pain can cause neck pain perse, but protecting the elbow can conceivably cause you to move into positions that bring on neck pain.
Can tennis elbow affect my shoulder?
It is more likely that the shoulder is causing the elbow pain. The two regions are very dependant on each other to perform many tasks.
Can tennis elbow return?
Any tendinopathy can return if you are performing movement that irritate the tendon. Consulting with a Myotherapist will minimise the chance of symptoms returning because you will not only learn how to manage the pain yourself – but how to improve the area with the most appropriate exercises.
Are tennis elbow and tendonitis the same?
Tendonitis is a medical term for degenerative tendon. The term applied to tendon irritation now (such as Tennis Elbow) is tendinopathy – tendonitis is a form of tendinopathy.
Are tennis elbow and bursitis the same thing?
Tennis elbow is classed as a tendinopathy – the pain is not necessarily bursitis. However, bursitis and tendinopathy often occur together – the same exercises used to treat one will often help the other.

Roger Morelli

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