Need help with your Arm Pain in Brisbane?
- Early forearm pain is frequently overcomplicated by clinicians – resulting in treatment becoming long-standing and expensive.
- In Brisbane, computer related forearm pain is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early. Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
We understand how frustrating chronic arm pain is. We want you to get better. This article describes common causes of forearm pain and how a Myotherapist will use techniques like massage, low level laser, electro dry needling and corrective exercise to quickly solve your problem and keep your pain away.
Book your Arm Pain Treatment Now
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane – we frequently resolve long standing arm pain in only 2 or 3 sessions in individuals who have had:
- painful and invasive testing for muscular compartment syndrome
- numerous cortisone injections
- nerve blocking procedures for arm pain
Forearm Pain – What shouldn’t you do?
- Forearm pain may resolve with rest and anti-inflammatory medicines. However if your symptoms last more than a week – it’s time to get assessed by an expert clinician.
- Cortisone is ineffective for muscular overload – the most common early forearm pain – don’t waste time and money.
- Don’t waste money getting multiple shots of cortisone – Cortisone is only effective for one major arm RSI – tenosynovitis. Cortisone is actually harmful for golfers elbow, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Chiropractors can be useful for arm pain that originates from the neck – but if you don’t feel immediate relief that lasts from a chiropractor – the neck is not the cause of your pain.
- Don’t rush to muscle compartment testing – the tests are excruciatingly painful, expensive and compartment syndromes in the arms are relatively rare.
- Before you consider any kind of surgery for an overload syndrome – try Myotherapy first.
Book your Arm Pain Treatment Now
Why does arm pain happen?
Several structures in the forearms typically become aggravated from overuse including:
- muscles
- nerves
- tendons
- synovium (a fluid filled membrane between tendon and bone that can become inflamed)
The extensors – Mouse Arm Syndrome:
Frequent computer users commonly experience pain on top of the forearm (the extensor muscles) from muscular overload – which can lead to inflammation and tendon insult.
Extensor overload commonly contribute to Tennis Elbow.
The flexors:
Pain that occurs on the underside of the arm (the flexor muscles) can also happen with computer use, but is often associated with grip activities, such as:
- driving
- tool use
- body weight exercises
- carrying heavy things
Flexor overload commonly contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tenosynovitis and Golfers Elbow.
Book your Arm Pain Treatment Now
What are the symptoms of arm pain Brisbane?
- Night pain
- Tenderness
- Muscle inflammation (more general pain)
- Muscle spasm, pain or twitching from computer use
- Muscle weakness (for example loss of grip strength)
- Limited movement
- Redness, warmth or swelling
- Numbness and tingling in the hands/fingers
- Local muscle pain (pinpoint[s] of pain)
- Shooting pain down into the forearm and fingers
- Shoulder, arm, hand, wrist or finger pain
What can cause arm pain?
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Common RSI’s of the forearm:
The synovial sheath is a fluid filled membrane that wraps around a tendon and reduces friction between the tendon and bone. Inflammation of the synovial fluid can occur after tendon injury or after sudden increase in workload (unaccustomed gardening, moving house, using tools after a long time off) can result in irritation, causing inflammation.
The elbow is where the muscles that move your wrist and fingers attach. Unaccustomed overuse of the wrist and forearm from gripping may cause irritation where the tendon attaches to the boney prominences of the elbow. The two major tendinopathies of the elbow are:
- Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylalgia) an irritation of the outer elbow tendon.
- Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylalgia) an irritation of the inner elbow.
These conditions are painful and result in forearm weakness. A myotherapist will treat the soft tissue to reduce muscular irritation and find the right exercises to take away pain.
Book your Arm Pain Treatment Now
How arm pain Brisbane is treated?
That depends on the condition. Most forms of forearm pain will require some sort of corrective exercise to reduce pain. Muscular overload such as Mouse arm syndrome needs stretches as opposed to strengthening. At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane a typical treatment for overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laser to reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling – to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Symptoms that might indicate a serious condition:
- Paralysis
- Sudden, intense pain in the forearm
- Bones protruding from the skin
- bleeding
- Frequent computer users commonly experience pain on top of the forearm (the extensor muscles) from muscular overload – which can lead to inflammation and tendon insult.
- Extensor overload commonly contribute to Tennis Elbow.
- Early forearm pain is frequently overcomplicated by clinicians – resulting in treatment becoming long-standing and expensive.
- In Brisbane, computer related forearm pain is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Cortisone is ineffective for muscular overload – the most common early forearm pain – don’t waste time and money.
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early. Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
Forearm pain can come from the neck. The most common cause of arm pain originating from the neck is a compressed nerve in the cervical spine (radiculopathy). An associated condition of forearm pain with an element of neck irritation is called thoracic outlet syndrome which is a nerve compression between the collarbone and the first rib. After a whiplash it is possible to have arm pain from damaged overstretched neck nerves or damaged vertebral joints to cause radiculopathy.
There are a number of forearm pain conditions that cause weakness or pain symptoms from gripping – including:
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- muscular overload (very common and often misdiagnosed as a more severe repetitive strain such as tenosynovitis, muscle compartment syndrome, or tennis elbow)
- tennis elbow
- golfers elbow
- tenosynovitis
Arm pain that lasts more than a week should be assessed by a Myotherapist immediately. Muscle overloads can lead to more serious pathology (which can take more than 6 months to resolve) such as:
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- tennis elbow
- golfers elbow
- tenosynovitis
- muscle compartment syndrome
Muscle overload can be resolved in one or two session if treated appropriately.
Arm pain that lasts more than a week should be assessed by a Myotherapist immediately. Muscle overloads can lead to more serious pathology (which can take more than 6 months to resolve) such as:
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- tennis elbow
- golfers elbow
- tenosynovitis
- muscle compartment syndrome
One common form of arm pain experienced during pregnancy is carpal tunnel syndrome. The nerves in the wrist are compressed by swelling in the forearm which is a by product of hormonal change. Symptoms resolve after pregnancy but can be addressed with Myotherapy very effectively.
Finding out what the aggravating activity is and modifying the behaviour is the most powerful first step. If the symptoms have only been around for a week or two, it is likely that muscular overload is the cause of the pain.
For computer related arm pain ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Self help treatments include tennis ball rolling on the overloaded muscle every two days followed by the knuckles on table forearm stretch held for 60-90 seconds.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Self help treatments include tennis ball rolling on the overloaded muscle every two days followed by the knuckles on table forearm stretch held for 60-90 seconds
Ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Self help treatments include tennis ball rolling on the overloaded muscle every two days followed by the knuckles on table forearm stretch held for 60-90 seconds
Ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Self help treatments include tennis ball rolling on the overloaded muscle every two days followed by the knuckles on table forearm stretch held for 60-90 seconds
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Ergonomics adjustment is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to slow pain progression. Here’s our helpful guide:
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Self help treatments include tennis ball rolling on the overloaded muscle every two days followed by the knuckles on table forearm stretch held for 60-90 seconds
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Forearm pain has numerous possible causes including:
- Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes)
- Fractures and sports injuries (sprains and tears)
- Pinched nerves (often associated with overuse syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck] and compartment syndromes)
- accidents (gross trauma)
- infection
- benign growth (cysts and tumours’)
Booking in with a Myotherapist is effective because they will:
- Assess your problem (find the cause)
- Treat the cause (reduce the symptoms of arm pain)
- Show you effective home exercises and stretches to reduce pain
- Offer appropriate ergonomics modifications.
Several structures in the forearms typically become aggravated from overuse including:
- muscles
- nerves
- tendons
synovium (a fluid filled membrane between tendon and bone that can become inflamed)
The extensors – Mouse Arm Syndrome:
Frequent computer users commonly experience pain on top of the forearm (the extensor muscles) from muscular overload – which can lead to inflammation and tendon insult.
Extensor overload commonly contribute to Tennis Elbow.
The flexors:
Pain that occurs on the underside of the arm (the flexor muscles) can also happen with computer use, but is often associated with grip activities, such as:
- driving
- tool use
- body weight exercises
- carrying heavy things
Flexor overload commonly contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tenosynovitis and golfers elbow.
- Frequent computer users commonly experience pain on top of the forearm (the extensor muscles) from muscular overload – which can lead to inflammation and tendon insult.
- Extensor overload commonly contribute to Tennis Elbow.
- Early forearm pain is frequently overcomplicated by clinicians – resulting in treatment becoming long-standing and expensive.
- In Brisbane, computer related forearm pain is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Cortisone is ineffective for muscular overload – the most common early forearm pain – don’t waste time and money.
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early. Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
Overuse syndromes (Muscular overuse, RSI, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfers elbow, tenosynovitis and compartment syndromes) will require clinical intervention to resolve quickly. Tennis elbow and golfers elbow should resolve without intervention over 1-2 years. Mouse arm syndrome will require expert electro dry needling to resolve quickly. Carpal tunnel that is less than 6 months old usually resolves quickly with appropriate Myotherapy intervention – long standing carpal tunnel 2 years plus) may require surgical release to stop symptoms.
In Brisbane, Myotherapist Roger Morelli at Knead Massage offers expertise in addressing arm pain causes and rapidly resolving long standing overuse syndromes. Conditions Roger can assist with include:
- Muscular overuse
- tennis elbow
- carpal tunnel
- golfers elbow
- tenosynovitis
- mouse arm syndrome
- Pinched nerves
- thoracic outlet syndrome
cervical radiculopathy [pinched nerve in neck]
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