Lymphatic Drainage Massage Benefits

Written by Elena Rengifo and Roger Morelli – Brisbane Myotherapists

A healthy Lymphatic system is a fundamental ingredient of wellness.

Lymphatic massage can:

  • Improve immune function.
  • Decrease swelling/oedema.
  • Improve movement by reducing pain and inflammation in sore, swollen joints (such as the knees and ankles).

Lymphatic massage can be of benefit to many populations – including:

  • People with swelling
  • Chronic illness
  • Over 50’s
  • Pregnant and postpartum
  • Post surgical

Lymphatic drainage and inflammation – how does Lymphatic massage help pain?

Inflammation usually presents as swelling. This accumulation of immune cells (white blood cells) and metabolic waste occurs in the body’s lymph fluid. When swelling is present, the lymph nodes are overloaded in the area and not processing lymph fluid efficiently. By manually stimulating lymph flow – the body filters these inflammatory chemicals and excretes them. Reducing swelling, leads to reduced inflammation – which leads to a reduction in pain and discomfort and a more efficient immune response.

How does the lymphatic system improve my health?

The lymphatic system and its associated organs make up the majority of the immune system. Maintaining and removing excess fluid levels (via a substance known as lymph fluid) the lymphatic system is responsible for the manufacture of our white blood cells (t-Cells and B-Cells) – which identify microbial intruders and attempt to destroy and remove them. White blood cells memorise intruders the body has encountered before (through antibodies and antigens) and will rapidly respond to pathogens that the immune system has already encountered.

How lymphatic drainage works – How Lymphatic massage helps swelling and joint pain

One of the tasks the lymphatic system is responsible for is the filtering and removal of lymph fluid. Lymph fluid is a colourless liquid that surrounds all body tissues. Within the body fluid input and output is a shifting process. If the lymphatic system stops draining fluid effectively, this leads to a build up of fluid – causing swelling, inflammation and pain. Manual lymphatic drainage is helpful in pushing fluid through the congested lymph nodes and redistributing the lymph fluid to the areas of removal. This can be especially useful for swollen joints such as the knee or ankle.

What’s in the Lymphatic System?

There are many parts to the lymphatic system. Some of the tissues and organs are:

  • The Lymph vessels – the lymph vessels are a network of tubes that move lymph fluid around the body, filtering waste products and returning filtered lymph into the blood.
  • The lymph nodes – are the filters of the lymphatic network. They remove pathogens and manufacture immune cells. They are located all through the body but are connected to each other via the lymph vessels
  • Bone marrow – the bone marrow is one of the places where blood cells are created. The lymphatic system needs white blood cells to destroy pathogens.
  • The spleen – the spleen is one of the most powerful filters in the body and is also responsible for the creation of white blood cells.
  • The thymus – regulates the creation, maturation and maintenance of disease fighting cells such as T-Cells, Macrophages and other lymphocytes.
  • Tonsils are basically giant lymph nodes. They are the first responders against pathogens we breath in or swallow. Firstly by filtering out the intruder, they then generate the first lymphocytes that are designed to destroy and remove the pathogen.
  • Appendix – the appendix is also a type of filter and lymphocyte builder, primarily B-cells. It’s location in the intestines means that it is primarily for the destruction of pathogens in the gut.

Individual with chronic conditions often experience lymph node swelling and fluid stagnation (swelling). This swelling is made up of waste products and inflammatory chemicals (macrophages, T-Cells) that are scheduled for excretion – but caught in a bottleneck.

Lymphatic massage assists helps to improve lymphatic flow when there is lymphatic congestion. Stimulating lymphatic fluid movement helps congested lymph nodes to filter and remove the waste products. This detoxification effect allows the body to use its resources better, often resulting in feelings of more energy.

How does Lymphatic massage help pregnancy?

One of the most common side effects of pregnancy is water retention. This is caused by reduced blood flow from the lower limbs as a result of elevated blood pressure and cardiac load. Assisting the lymphatic flow with lymphatic massage allows the removal of the congested fluid into the more central lymph nodes – reducing swelling in the legs immediately.

Can lymphatic massage prevent varicose veins?

It is not unusual for varicose veins to form during pregnancy.

  • The weight of the baby on the main venous return (the inferior vena cava) reduces blood return to the torso from the legs.
  • This combines with an increase in cardiac load (which normally occurs in the second and third trimester),
  • This causes swollen, inefficient lymph nodes and vessels.
  • Swelling in the lymph vessels slows venous return further – creating a circular problem.
  • The veins in the legs experience pressures that break the “one direction valve” in the blood vessels (venous return happens through movement, each footstep pushes a little blood up the leg, it resists gravity through a one sided valve). When a few of these break, they cause varicose veins.

Lymphatic massage of the lower limbs during pregnancy reduces congestion in the legs and reduces the amount of fluid entering the blood vessels below the knee – easing the burden on the veins, minimising damage to valves and reducing swelling.

Reducing swollen aching joints

Reducing swelling and water retention through lymphatic massage leads to a less inflamed and swollen state – greatly reducing the discomfort and fatigue associated with pregnancy.

Improving circulation

Pregnancy and childbirth take a massive toll on the body. Post partum swelling and inflammation can continue for months after the birth. Periodic lymphatic massage can greatly assist in reducing oedema and helping an overburdened lymphatic system reduce lymph congestion. When the lymphatic system is filtering fluid efficiently, inflammatory states drop, leading to a more rapid recovery.

Lymphatic massage after surgery

Decreased healing time reduced risk of blood clots.

Reducing lymphatic congestion post surgery – leads to less swelling, and chronically inflamed areas. In many post surgical populations, lymphatic function is already inefficient (over 50’s, sedentary, immune compromised, high body mass) and the added trauma of a surgical procedure is adding inflammation to an already inflamed immune system and in the case of breast surgery is destroying lymph nodes.

Lymphatic massage also promotes healing and reduces recovery time through improvedcirculation . When lymph fluid is moving efficiently, it also improves blood flow. Improved blood flow increases a tissues oxygen uptake. Well oxygenated tissue:

  • Is healthier (better quality collagen that knits/rejoins effectively)
  • Is generally less inflamed and swollen.
  • Has a decreased risk of clot formation

Assists with pain

Recovering from surgery is almost always painful. Pain medicine has its place, but also has consequences on organs such as the kidneys and liver. Not to mention effects such as drowsiness, constipation, loss of mental acuity and depending on the class of pain control – addictiveness.

As discussed throughout this article, reducing swelling and lymph congestion lowers pain producing chemicals and joint restriction. Which usually leads to less pain and higher quality movement.

Lymphatic drainage self-massage

One of the additional benefits of seeing a qualified lymphatic massage therapist, is that they will teach you how to perform lymphatic drainage self massage. There are many self drainage sequences (some involving dry brushes and gloves), and itsimportant to learn the right one for your circumstances and abilities. At Knead Massage, our therapists will not only show you how to perform the appropriate sequences on yourself, we’ll also send you videos of each and every sequence we show you.

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Roger Morelli
Roger Morelli is a Myotherapist at Knead Massage in Brisbane CBD. He loves helping clients improve their quality of life with effective Myotherapy and corrective exercise treatments. He has a special interest in lower limb issues after experiencing a life changing car accident 20 years ago.
Roger Morelli
Roger Morelli

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