- Early wrist and forearm pain is frequently overcomplicated by clinicians – resulting in treatment becoming long-standing and expensive.
- This article describes common causes of Wrist RSI and forearm pain, what Wrist RSI feels like, what you shouldn’t do if you have Wrist RSI and how a Myotherapist will use techniques like massage, low level laser, electro dry needling and corrective exercise to quickly solve your problem and keep your pain away. (3 minutes reading)
- If you NEED results in the fewest possible clinical consultations – hit the book now button – as game changing technologies such as Low Level Laser and electro needling can take the pain and irritation of Wrist RSI away quickly.
What is Wrist RSI?
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths.
- In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
- Prevention strategies should include postural modifications (like the ergonomics video below).
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early (Low Level Laser and Electro Needling can rapidly resolve symptoms).
What are the most common RSI’s of the arm?
A tendinopathy is the most common overuse injury of the arm. It can be either an inflammation of the tendons (tendonitis) or a damage to the collagen that the tendon is made of (tendonosis). Tendons connect muscle to bones – they are easily inflamed or injured by repetitive movements.
Trigger finger, Golfers Elbow and Tennis Elbow are all tendonopathies.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a nerve constriction at the wrist caused by swelling in the muscles and tendon sheaths.
Tenosynovitis is a burning pain often felt in the wrist or on either bone of the forearm – it is an inflammatory pain associated with friction, inflammation and swelling of the tendon sheaths.
What does an RSI feel like?
- Symptoms include swelling, PAIN, tingling or numbness, weakness and stiffness and often chronically cold hands and fingers.
- Initial signs of RSI include soreness, tingling or discomfort in the neck, arms, wrists, fingers or shoulders.
- Symptoms are associated with repetitive tasks.
- When you stop the activity symptoms may disappear or lessen. Unfortunately, after a while RSI symptoms can become chronic.
Wrist RSI and Forearm Pain – What shouldn’t you do?
- Forearm pain may resolve with rest and anti-inflammatory medicines. However if your symptoms last more than a week – it’s time to get assessed by an expert clinician.
- Cortisone is ineffective for muscular overload – the most common cause of early wrist RSi and forearm pain – don’t waste time and money.
- Don’t waste money getting multiple shots of cortisone – Cortisone is only effective for one major arm RSI – tenosynovitis. Cortisone is actually harmful for golfers elbow, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Chiropractors can be useful for arm pain that originates from the neck – but if you don’t feel immediate relief that lasts from a chiropractor – the neck is not the cause of your wrist pain.
- Don’t rush to muscle compartment testing – the tests are excruciatingly painful, expensive and compartment syndromes in the arms are relatively rare.
- Before you consider any kind of surgery for an overload syndrome – try Myotherapy
How soon should I seek treatment if I suspect an RSI?
As soon as possible.
If you are experiencing pain or a loss of function – usually at work book an EXPERT Myotherapy treatment to resolve your wrist RSI fast.
A Myotherapist has the tools and expertise to assess and treat the causes of Wrist RSI:
- muscles
- nerves
- tendons
- synovium (a fluid filled membrane between tendon and bone that can become inflamed)
Does constant computer use increase the risk of RSI?
Computer use is certainly a significant cause of RSI’s – but all manner of activities and jobs are at risk – tradesmen and cleaners who are exposed to prolonged vibration through the hands are at a high risk. Chefs and kitchen staff who cut produce for a large portion of the day. Retail assistants, barista’s and professional drivers – all perform jobs that have a high correlation to RSI
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common RSI – regardless of the type of work an individual performs.
How do you treat an RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane a typical treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laser to reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling – to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
Can RSI be prevented?
Absolutely. A professional assessment with a Myotherapist is one of the most proactive steps you can take for prevention of RSI. Your therapist will examine your posture, discuss the most optimal ergonomic solutions and work through any areas of tension such as your shoulders, neck and forearms. Most importantly a Myotherapist can demonstrate the best exercises to do at work to prevent the tendons becoming angry and reduce nerve irritation and inflammation with electro needling and Low Level Laser.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do i know if i have RSI in my wrist?
RSI is a blanket term describing a basket of overuse conditions. RSI symptoms include:
- swelling, PAIN, tingling or numbness, weakness and stiffness and often chronically cold hands and fingers.
- early signs of wrist RSI include soreness, tingling or discomfort in the neck, arms, wrists, fingers or shoulders.
- Symptoms are associated with repetitive tasks.
- When you stop the activity symptoms may disappear or lessen. Unfortunately, after a while RSI symptoms can become chronic.
How to cure RSI wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to get rid of RSI in wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to heal wrist RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to improve RSI wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to prevent wrist RSI?
- Prevention strategies should include postural modifications (like the ergonomics video below).
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths. In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early (Low Level Laser and Electro Needling can rapidly resolve symptoms).
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
How to recover from wrist RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to recover from wrist RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to relieve RSI in wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to relieve RSI in wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to relieve RSI wrist pain?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to stop RSI in wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to treat RSI in wrist?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to treat RSI thumb?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles and thumb/finger pain involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to treat wrist RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
How to treat wrist RSI?
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane expert treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laserto reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling– to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
Your GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine.
Corrective Exercise has proven to be the most effective long term solutions to most tendinopathies  Ergonomic will almost always improve function and quality of life. The posture does not like to be locked into any one position endlessly – especially the types of slouching postures associated with computer use.
RSI wrist and hand?
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths.
- In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
- Prevention strategies should include postural modifications (like the ergonomics video below).
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early (Low Level Laser and Electro Needling can rapidly resolve symptoms).
RSI wrist and thumb?
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths.
- In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
- Prevention strategies should include postural modifications (like the ergonomics video below).
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early (Low Level Laser and Electro Needling can rapidly resolve symptoms).
RSI wrist from mouse?
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths.
- In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
- Prevention strategies should include postural modifications (like the ergonomics video below).
- Don’t let simple muscular overload become a true overuse syndrome – address the causes early (Low Level Laser and Electro Needling can rapidly resolve symptoms).
RSI wrist to shoulder?
Neck, shoulder and arm pain commonly occur together. Many arm symptoms originate in the neck and shoulder – that’s why its important to consult with an expert clinician when dealing with overload conditions – because these chronic states feed each other.
- Don’t waste money getting multiple shots of cortisone – Cortisone is only effective for one major arm RSI – tenosynovitis. Cortisone is actually harmful for golfers elbow, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
At Knead Myotherapy Brisbane a typical treatment for Wrist RSI and overloaded forearm muscles involves:
- Low Level laser to reduce muscle tone and inflammation (especially tenosynovitis)
- Deep tissue massage to improve pain free movement
- Electro dry needling – to reduce neural inflammation and muscular tone (unparalleled results for muscular overload)
- Ergonomics adjustments to reduce stress on the arms
- Appropriate stretches so you can maintain your pain free status adn postural improvements.
- Depending on the condition – an exercise you can do that reduces pain immediately
What does wrist RSI feel like?
- Symptoms include swelling, PAIN, tingling or numbness, weakness and stiffness and often chronically cold hands and fingers.
- Initial signs of RSI include soreness, tingling or discomfort in the neck, arms, wrists, fingers or shoulders.
- Symptoms are associated with repetitive tasks.
- When you stop the activity symptoms may disappear or lessen. Unfortunately, after a while RSI symptoms can become chronic.
What is wrist RSI?
- Performing the same movements over and over may cause inflammation and damage to the muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths.
- In Brisbane, computer related wrist RSI is on the rise – as many people are working from home.
- Forearm muscle overload can happen to anyone and frequently results in overuse syndromes such as Wrist RSI, Carpal tunnel, RSI and tennis elbow.
- A tendinopathy is the most common overuse injury of the arm. It can be either an inflammation of the tendons (tendonitis) or a damage to the collagen that the tendon is made of (tendonosis). Tendons connect muscle to bones – they are easily inflamed or injured by repetitive movements -Trigger finger, Golfers Elbow and Tennis Elbow are all tendonopathies.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndromeis a nerve constriction at the wrist caused by swelling in the muscles and tendon sheaths.
- Tenosynovitis is a burning pain often felt in the wrist or on either bone of the forearm – it is an inflammatory pain associated with friction, inflammation and swelling of the tendon sheaths.

Roger Morelli

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